How does tof camera measure objects? How to obtain the measurement data of an object?

ToF camera can accurately measure objects, and accurately measure within a short period of time, not affected by humidity, air pressure and temperature, suitable for indoor and outdoor applications. So how does tof camera measure objects? How to obtain the measurement data of an object?
ToF camera use tiny emitters to emit infrared light or lasers, and the light generated therein will bounce off any object and return to the sensor. tof camera can measure the distance between the object and the sensor based on the time difference between the emission of light and the return to the sensor after being reflected by the object.

As shown in the figure above, the transmitter first emits infrared light and starts timing; when the infrared light reflects from the object back to the receiver, the time is recorded, so that the "time of flight" of the light is measured. Since the speed of light is known to be constant, The precise distance from the sensor to the measuring object can be calculated by the following