With the arrival of 5G, the application of 3D ToF camera will be more

3D ToF camera technology is becoming more and more mature, and is widely used in 3D face recognition, financial payment, smart phones, smart door locks, car unlocking, smart seating, smart security, AR/VR, industrial vision and many other fields. Because 3D ToF cameras have many advantages, there is no need to worry about environmental factors,including the advantages of sunlight interference, light change interference, privacy, effective distance, depth accuracy, volume and so on. 3D ToF camera has been widely used in the robot vacuum industry, and there will be more and more applications of 3D ToF camera in the entire robot field.
At present, the mainstream 3D sensing technologies widely used in the market are structured light and ToF camera. Among them, 3D ToF camera has obvious advantages in long distance, low cost and small size. With the arrival of 5G, the application of ToF camera will be more.

With the arrival of 5G, the application of ToF camera will be more