Robot vacuum have become more intelligent with the addition of the tof sensor. Some robot vacuums not only use this ToF technology for head-up obstacle avoidance, but may also be equipped with multiple ToF sensors. For example, some robots will also be equipped with 2 at the bottom of the robot vacuums. A ToF sensor is used to detect the drop of steps and stair steps.
ToF sensor is not a technology that has only been developed in the past two years. The use of such ToF technology for optical ranging has been quite mature in the past 5 or 6 years. Including the use of ToF sensor to enhance the experience. For example, the screen is equipped with a ToF sensor, which automatically lights up when someone is approaching; using ToF can also be used for laser focusing of smartphone cameras, focusing of projectors; and robot obstacle avoidance, etc., know more tof sensor,follow DOMI.